Friday, August 10, 2007

NICE at Sedgebrook

Elderhostel Ambassadors Don Nylin and Pete Clark presented Elderhostel to an enthusiastic group of residents at Lincolnshire's Sedgebrook Community today.

Pete explained about our local NICE group and invited attendees to our meetings every other month at Grayslake's State Bank of the Lakes.

Don gave an overview of Elderhostel and then more specifically, what a typical day at an Elderhostel program might entail. Some attendees had participated in Elderhostel programs and gave unsolicitied tetimonials as to how exciting, educational, and worthwhile they are.

Most of those in the audience signed up to receive free Elderhostel catalogs and mailings and all were duly impressed with the quantity and breadth of the educational and travel opportunities available through Elderhostel.

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