Saturday, April 12, 2008

Next Meeting June 14, 2008

The next NICE meeting is Saturday, June 14, 2008, from 10:00 - 12:00 Noon at the State Bank of The Lakes, 50 Commerce Drive in Grayslake, IL, 60030 (847-548-2700) located east of Illinois Route 83, off Center Street, on Industrial Drive, across from the Post Office. (Double click on map to enlarge.)

All are invited -- both those who have participated in Elderhostel programs and those with an interest in learning more about the programs.

Call Pete Clark if you have any questions: 1-847-549-1659 or email him at

April 12, 2008 Meeting of NICE

Eleven attended today's meeting and president Pete welcomed everyone and took care of the business that needed to be covered...

...after which Bob showed a DVD he had made of his Elderhostel hiking program at the western section of the Grand Canyon out of Peach Springs, Arizona. The program featured 5 hikes along the rim and down into the canyon.

Then Chuck and Ellen presented a movie of their 2 Elderhostel paddling programs, the first out of Brooksville, Florida (paddling the South Withlacoochee, Hillsborough, and Weeki Watchi Rivers), and the other out of Stephen Foster State Park in White Springs, Florida, (hiking along the Suwannee River, paddling the Suwannee and Ichetucknee Rivers, and numerous local foods and folk arts/crafts.)

Finally, Pat, Executive Director of I-PLUS, related the services and philosophy of her program, Independent Positive Living Under Supervision, which enables homeless individuals/families of Lake County and the surrounding counties to transform their lives and become contributing members of the community.

Following the meeting, Pete treated everyone to lunch at the nearby Hillside Restaurant where engaging conversation ensued and all bid farewell until the next meeting in June.

(l to r: Bob, Ellen, Phil, Ed, Pete, Judy, Dixie, Pat, Adrian, and Jan)